The Golden Road

For a millennium and a half, India was a confident exporter of its diverse civilisation, creating around it a vast empire of ideas. Indian art, religions, technology, astronomy, music, dance, literature, mathematics and mythology blazed a trail across the world, along a Golden Road that stretched from the Red Sea to the Pacific.

William draws from a lifetime of scholarship to highlight India’s oft-forgotten position as the heart of ancient Eurasia. For the first time, he gives a name to this spread of Indian ideas that transformed the world. From the largest Hindu temple in the world at Angkor Wat to the Buddhism of China, from the trade that helped fund the Roman Empire to the creation of the numerals we use today (including zero), India transformed the culture and technology of its ancient world, and our world today as we know it.


22 Jul 2025

12.30pm - 1.30pm




Buxton Opera House

Booking Details Useful Tips for booking

Friends get priority booking on a staggered basis from 18 March
Public booking opens 15 April
More info | Become a Friend

Dates, times & booking

  • Tue 22 Jul 2025 12.30pm - 1.30pm Book
Friends get priority booking on a staggered basis from 18 March
About Friends Priority Booking

Public booking opens 15 April

Useful Tips for booking

Priority Booking
for BIF Friends

To book seats early, join the Friends of Buxton International Festival and become part of our ‘Festival Family.’

Directors’ Circle, Benefactor, Gold Patron Tuesday, 18 March

Patron Tuesday, 25 March

Gold Friend Tuesday, 1 April

Friend and Joint Friend Tuesday, 8 April

Become a friend

Joining our community and becoming a BIF Friend unlocks a whole host of benefits, including priority booking for the festival.

From just £36 per year, become part of the festival you love all year-round.

  • Priority booking for all festival events
  • Six tiers of membership starting from just £36
  • Regular newsletters during the year – via email/post
  • Be the first to hear exclusive festival news & announcements
  • Special friends events throughout the year: meals, dinners, recitals and more
  • Support from friends members have enabled us to grow into one of the UK’s leading opera festivals
  • Recognition of your support in the Festival Souvenir Programme Book

If you are under 35 you can join the Next Gen Friends for free, and access £5 tickets to book events and £10 tickets to all other events.

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