
The Friends have been supporting the Festival for 40 years. To those of you who are already Friends - we cannot thank you enough.

Becoming a Friend is more than donating your membership. You will become part of the ‘Festival Family’ – and we are often described as the heart and soul of the Festival.

Click here to join
“BIF has one of the best Friends organisations in the music world.”
Wyn Davies, Conductor and Patron of the Friends

Since we began in 1970, our members have donated over 2 million pounds towards the Festival. Our subscriptions go on everything from supporting entire operas to engaging top-class musicians and speakers, to supporting the Festival Chorus and Young Artists Programme.

The generosity of our members is fundamental to BIF’s growth and success, and has enabled our Festival to become one of the UK’s leading arts festivals.

To the 2,200 of you who are already Friends – we cannot thank you enough for your ongoing support.

Becoming a Friend is more than donating your membership. You will become part of the ‘Festival Family’. We invite our members to special events organised throughout the year from meals, recitals, and study days.

Our Friends receive a range of special rewards including access to priority booking, opportunities to book UK and international music holidays, and regular Friends newsletters with exclusive ‘inside’ information.

So please do join us. You will feel rewarded and deeply satisfied to be supporting our unique Festival.

“By joining the Friends, we became part of a Festival we love.”
– Mary & Andrew, Friends since 2013

The Friends held their AGM on 8 March 2024.  Click here to read the minutes.

Catch up on all the latest Friends and Festival news with the latest edition of Overture: