The Foundation was established in 2003 by the Friends of the Buxton Festival as a separate charitable trust to support the long-term stability and development of the Festival. The funds managed by the Foundation are only available to support the Festival and our main objective is to build an endowment fund large enough to ensure the survival of the Festival in the event of a disaster beyond its control, and to contribute to the range, diversity and quality of its programmes. Growth of the endowment has mainly been through legacy gifts from generous donors who want future generations to be able to enjoy the Festival as they have.


What is the Buxton Festival Foundation?

How can you support us?
Remembering a charity in your will is straightforward and leaving something to the Festival, no matter how small, will really make a difference. Legacies to charities are free from inheritance tax and may also reduce other taxes. If you want to leave a legacy to the Festival, tell your solicitor the amount you wish to give to the Buxton Festival Foundation, registered charity number 1096269. If you already have a will you can modify it by adding a codicil:
Download codicil form Read more in our leaflet
What will your gift support?
Your gift will be added to the endowment fund managed by the Foundation which supports all the activities of the Festival although you may choose to support a particular aspect of the Festival’s activities – for example the Young Artists’ Programme – if you wish.
In 2024, a grant from the Foundation will support the appearance of the Orchestra of Opera North in the Festival production of Ernani.

Who are we?
The Trustees of the Buxton Festival Foundation have worked at senior executive and board level in a range of sectors including law, finance, economics, property, innovation and culture. In 2024 our trustees are:
Andrea Austin
Philip Barton
Christopher Barron
Colin Gregory
Katharine Redford (Chair)
John Young
For more information about how the Foundation operates and how you can support it, please contact Katharine Redford by email at: