Notice of the Annual General Meeting
of the Friends of Buxton International Festival No. 1184840
To be held at 11.00am on Thursday 4 February 2021 by Zoom
Note: Zoom invite to be circulated in late January to those Friends attending
All Friends of Buxton International Festival are invited to the AGM to be held online via Zoom
(You are a Friend if you have subscribed, at any level of membership, for the current year.)
Draft Agenda
1. Apologies
2. To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on 14 February 2020 (copy available at then click on ‘Friends News’)
3. Audited Financial Statements, incl. Trustees’ Annual Report for Year ended 31 October 2020 (copy available at from mid-January)
4. Proposal to appoint Laytons of Buxton as the charity’s Auditors for 2021-2022
5. Election of Committee members (trustees) for 2021-2022
- Anthony Parsons (Treasurer) and John Gaunt (Secretary) retire by rotation and offer themselves for re-election
- Edna Sophia (Labuschagne) Williams is put forward for election
6. Festival 2021 update from Michael Williams (Festival CEO) & Adrian Kelly (Festival Artistic Director)
7. Provisional Date of next AGM: Friday 11 February 2022
8. Any other business
Please confirm your attendance or send apologies to the Friends Administrator, Lee Barnes, who may be contacted at: E: T: 01298 70395 (please leave a message on the answerphone including your email address so we can send you the Zoom details) or
Friends of Buxton International Festival, 3 The Square, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 6AZ.
Any additional items for the agenda should be submitted by 14 January 2021.