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Four beautiful Buxton walks to enjoy during festival season

Buxton’s stunning location in the middle of the Peak District, UK makes it an ideal destination for ramblers. There are many routes to explore – from an easy amble around the Pavilion Gardens to a more strenuous climb up to Solomon’s Temple.

We’ve shared four favourite Buxton walks that can be enjoyed during festival season.

The Ring of Trees

This circular route is 10 miles (16km) long and passes through 200 acres of woodland owned by the Buxton Civic Association. Originally planted by the Chatsworth Estate to regenerate hillsides that had been scarred by by lime burning, the woods are now filled with wildlife.

The ‘core’ walk takes approximately 4.5 to 5 hours to complete but don’t let this put you off! The beauty of this circuit is that it can be accessed in short sections from anywhere in town. You can find a digital map here.

View over Buxton

Solomon’s Temple

An offshoot of The Ring of Trees route, the steep climb to Solomon’s Temple is a popular Buxton walk. The folly was built in 1896 to replace an earlier construction commissioned by local landowner Solomon Mycock and sits on top of a Bronze Age barrow.

The views from the top are spectacular and you can see for 15 miles (24 km) on a good day. The best way to reach the peak is to follow one of the marked paths on this map from Poole’s Cavern and  Allow 2.5 hours for a comfortable stroll from Buxton town centre.

Window over Solomons Temple

Serpentine Walks

Many festival-goers will be well acquainted with the charms of the Pavilion Gardens but how many have ventured across to the lesser-known Serpentine Walks?

Explore this hidden spot by crossing Burlington Road (just next to the Pavilion Gardens Car Park by the Octagon) and heading down the steps at the bridge. Much quieter than the main gardens, this compact corner has its own wild flower meadow and if you explore a little further, you can visit the Serpentine Community Farm on Wednesdays and Sundays.  These vintage images shared by Explore Buxton capture the magic of this secret nook.

This is the most accessible of the walks and the round trip takes around 30 minutes from Buxton Town Centre.

Serpentine Walks Buxton

A circular walk to the Goyt Valley

One for more serious hikers, this 8 mile (13 km) Buxton walk leads you over the moors to the picturesque Goyt Valley and back again via the old road. Passing via abandoned railway tracks, the tranquil Goyt Reservoir and atmospheric ruins of Errwood Hall, you can’t help but be transported to the past as you weave your way through the landscape.

The Goyt Valley website provides an excellent guide to this route.

View over Goyt Valley Buxton International Festival Walks

Our 2021 Festival programme offers a selection of themed walks around Buxton. These offer an insight into Buxton’s history and an overview of the flora and fauna around the town. We recommend early booking as these sell out very quickly.